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Thank you for your continued support through AutoGift.

Please use this form to update your AutoGift payment information. Please allow up to three business days for this change to take effect. If you have an AutoGift payment pending, it may be delayed until processing is complete.

NOTE: Please only use this form if you have an existing monthly AutoGift. To begin a NEW AutoGift, please click here. If you have any questions about your AutoGift, please call our Donor Resource Management Department 877-376-2194 between 8am-4pm CT.

Payment Information

Please select to either give by credit card or electronic check.

Please enter your name as it appears on your card.
Please only enter numbers.
Please enter a 16 digit credit card number (Visa, MasterCard, Discover).
Please enter a 16 digit credit card number (Visa, MasterCard, Discover).
Please check the date on the card.
Please check the date on the card.
Please enter the 3-digit security code.
CCV Help image

The CVV is a 3-digit security number located on the back of Visa, MasterCard, and Discover credit and debit cards.

Please enter a 9-digit bank routing number.
Please enter your bank account number.
What is E-Check?
An E-Check is an electronic payment made directly from your bank account. Just like a regular check, it usually takes between 3 and 5 business days for a transfer to complete. The Routing Numbers are the first nine digits on the bottom of your check.
ECheck Help image
Use this new payment information for all recurring gifts (if you have a single AutoGift, check this box, if you have multiple AutoGifts and want this payment information to apply to all, please also check this box.

Use this payment information for some of my recurring gifts (check this box if you have multiple AutoGifts and do not want all to update all to the new payment method. Please describe in the box which ones you want updated.

Please write in the accounts you want changed

My Information

This field is required
This field is required
This field is required
This field is required
This field is required
This field is required
This field is required
This field is required
This field is required
Enter a valid email
This field is required
Enter your 10 digit phone number

Additional Information

By clicking the button below, you agree to the following terms and you are authorizing The Moody Bible Institute of Chicago to to make changes to your existing monthly AutoGift.

Your AutoGift information is not updated automatically and will be reviewed prior to any changes taking place. If it is less than 2 business days before your next schedulede withdrawal, please contact us at 877-376-2194 as your update may not be available in such a short time. Our team will verify the update and you will receive an email when the changes have been made.

The information provided on this form is your personal checking account, or you are an authorized user for your company. Echeck transactions are ACH withdrawals made by The Moody Bible Institute of Chicago.

By clicking the button below, you agree to the following terms and you are authorizing The Moody Bible Institute of Chicago to to make changes to your existing monthly AutoGift.

Your AutoGift information is not updated automatically and will be reviewed prior to any changes taking place. If it is less than 2 business days before your next schedulede withdrawal, please contact us at 877-376-2194 as your update may not be available in such a short time. Our team will verify the update and you will receive an email when the changes have been made.

The VISA® or MasterCard® card information provided is your personal card, or you are an authorized user for your company. Credit and debit cards will be processed as credit cards by The Moody Bible Institute of Chicago.

Please select to either give by credit card or electronic check.

Please enter your name as it appears on your card
Please only enter numbers
Please enter a 16 digit Visa or MasterCard number
Please enter a 16 digit Visa or MasterCard number
Your credit card expiration date is invalid
Please check the date on the card
Please enter the 3-digit security code
Please enter a 9-digit bank routing number
Please enter your bank account number
Please write in which accounts you want to change
Please enter your first name
Please enter your last name
If the credit card or E-Check information entered above does not belong to a company/organization please uncheck that checkbox
Please enter your address
Please enter your city
Please enter your zip code
Please enter your country
Please enter your state
Please enter your email
Your email is invalid
Please enter your phone number
Your phone number is invalid



Reference #:  {{myData}}
Type: monthly recurring AutoGift payment update
Updated Payment Method:  Visa Mastercard ending in {{creditCardNumberSecure}}
Updated Payment Method:  Checking Account ending in {{accountNumberValue}}

Personal Information:
{{firstNameValue}} {{lastNameValue}}
Given on behalf of {{companyValue}}
{{cityValue}}, {{stateValue}} {{zipValue}}
Phone:  {{phoneValue}}
Email:  {{emailValue}}

Thank you for your continued support through AutoGift. Confirmation of your payment method update has been sent to the email address provided.

Your information is not updated automatically and will be reviewed prior to any changes taking place. If it is less than 2 business days before your next scheduled withdrawal, please contact us at 877-376-2194 as your update may not be available in such a short time. Our team will validate the update and you will receive an email when the changes have been made.

In case of questions regarding your AutoGift, please email DRM@moody.edu or call 1-877-376-2194 during business hours, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Central. Please have your reference number available.

Please print a copy of this page for your records.