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Dear Moody Family,
My heart has been heavy and deeply burdened for our nation, as well as our beloved city of Chicago and its surrounding communities.
I want to acknowledge the profound pain and intense frustration that many people throughout our country are experiencing.
The recent global pandemic has kept people isolated and sheltered in home for nearly three months. I personally know six people who have died, and many others who are sick or recovering from COVID-19. This pandemic has given way to massive amounts of people losing their jobs, leading to unemployment numbers that we have not seen in decades. Stress, anxiety, and frustration have surged.
On top of this, several incidents, including images of 46-year-old George Floyd with a knee on his neck gasping for breath and begging for his life, have left many, including myself, deeply disturbed and wanting justice.
In cities across America, peaceful protests unfortunately have been hijacked and given way to rioting, looting, and vandalism. This past weekend, with disappointment and dismay I watched communities I have pastored and worked with in Chicago devastated even more by people taking advantage of the tension to wreak havoc through vandalism, acts of violence, looting, and destruction of property.
As followers of Christ, I want to challenge you at this crucial time to join me in praying for our country. Yes, there are sins, including racism, that we must repent of, bridges we need to build, and communities we need to help.
I pray that the witness of the Moody community during this time will be one marked by faith, hope, and love. Listen to those around you—especially those who are marginalized, those who are hurting. Show empathy, be compassionate, and mourn with those who mourn. The hope of our nation is the message of the Gospel of Jesus and the values of the Kingdom of God carried in love and compassion by His people.
Thank you to our Public Safety team at Moody who continue to monitor the ongoing situation surrounding our Chicago campus, and patrol the area. Pray for them. As of right now, there are no reports of any damage or injuries, of which we are thankful. We will continue to keep you posted, as well as utilize Moody Alert for information that needs to be shared immediately.
Please continue to pray for the family, friends and loved ones of George Floyd, as well as our leadership and law enforcement agencies, as they seek to protect life, property, and restore order.
“Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.” Romans 12:21
Dr. Mark Jobe