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Search Results

Results shown: All (5579) Devotions (1612) Spiritual Growth (408) Redemption (278)

Faithful Hearts and Strong Hands

July 13, 2019

Faithful Hearts and Strong Hands Marsha was a great organizer in the church. She had a knack for getting people involved. Whenever she made a plea for help from the congregation, she always quoted the same proverb: “Many hands make light work.” As Zechariah continued to respond to the question raised by the delegation from Bethel, he moved...

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  • Devotions July 13, 2019

The Arrival of the King

July 18, 2019

The Arrival of the King The President is sometimes called the Commander in Chief. This title emphasizes the President’s role as supreme commander of the armed forces. Protection is one of the primary responsibilities of civil government. As Paul notes in Romans 13:4, God’s design is that rulers function as servants for good. They “do not...

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  • Devotions July 18, 2019

Shepherd of the Flock

July 20, 2019

Shepherd of the Flock Most churches have a pastor. The title pastor comes from the Latin word for shepherd. A pastor is someone who cares for God’s people the way a shepherd watches over a flock. Many of the Old Testament prophets used this title to refer to kings. Today’s reading is aimed at those rulers who had led God’s people poorly.

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  • Devotions July 20, 2019

Jerusalem the Golden

July 24, 2019

Jerusalem the Golden The hymn Jerusalem the Golden is based on a text by the twelfth century monk Bernard of Cluny. The hymn concludes with this prayer: Oh, sweet and blessed country The home of God’s elect! Oh, sweet and blessed country That eager hearts expect! In mercy, Jesus, bring us To that dear land of rest! You are, with God the Father...

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  • Devotions July 24, 2019

King of Kings

July 29, 2019

King of Kings On May 19, 1790, New England experienced a remarkable “day of darkness.” The day began cloudy and cool with light rain. However, as the day progressed the sky grew darker so that by midday, the sun could not be seen at all. Many people feared that the day of judgment had come. It is easy to see why, given today’s passage which...

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  • Devotions July 29, 2019

Persistence Is Rewarded

August 4, 2019

Persistence Is Rewarded In 2019, Marine veteran Micah Herndon ran the Boston Marathon to pay tribute to his fallen fellow Marines, Mark Juarez, Matthew Ballard, and Rupert Hamer. The three men had lost their lives during a bombing in Afghanistan in 2010. Herndon wore their names across his shoe laces as he ran. After 22 miles, Herndon’s legs...

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  • Devotions August 4, 2019

The Hidden Kingdom

August 7, 2019

The Hidden Kingdom In the classic fairytale Jack and the Beanstalk, a poor boy named Jack acquires magic beans in exchange for his family’s cow. His mother, upset by the trade, throws down the bean in anger. But that night, a great beanstalk grows, enabling Jack to climb it where he finds and steals golden coins, enough to provide for his...

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  • Devotions August 7, 2019

Tell Your Story

August 8, 2019

Tell Your Story When something incredible happens to you, who do you tell first? Maybe you rush home to report the good news to your family. Or maybe you pick up the phone to call your best friend. Some of us snap a photo and declare the good news on social media. It’s natural to want to share the good things in our life with those we love.

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  • Devotions August 8, 2019

Healing Faith

August 9, 2019

Healing Faith When someone we love is ill, we want them to get the very best treatment possible. We may travel a long distance to find exactly the right doctor and give hope to our loved one. Such was the case in Jesus’ time when many who followed Him were seeking healing. Here Mark intertwines two stories, a dying girl and a sick woman.

  • Topic:
  • Devotions August 9, 2019

Seeing Jesus

August 16, 2019

Seeing Jesus Many have compared our physical eyesight to our spiritual rebirth. In the beloved and famous hymn, “Amazing Grace,” John Newton wrote, “I once was lost, but now am found, / Was blind, but now I see.” When we come to Christ and trust Him for our salvation, our eyes are opened and we are able to see and understand God’s truth.

  • Topic:
  • Devotions August 16, 2019


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