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Search Results

Results shown: All (5698) Devotions (1612) Spiritual Growth (408) Redemption (278)

Be Not Proud

September 27, 2019

Be Not Proud In his masterpiece, Mere Christianity, C. S. Lewis wrote perceptively about pride. He said, “As long as you are proud you cannot know God. A proud man is always looking down on things and people; and, of course, as long as you are looking down, you cannot see something that is above you.” In a similar way, the wicked have a skewed...

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  • Devotions September 27, 2019

God Promises Deliverance

October 5, 2019

God Promises Deliverance Despite a discouraging start, the Israelites would be liberated exactly as God had said. And even though he initially wavered, Moses would end up in Hebrew 11’s Faith Hall of Fame: “By faith . . .[he] chose to be mistreated along with the people of God rather than to enjoy the fleeting pleasures of sin. He regarded...

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  • Devotions October 5, 2019

Locusts and Darkness

October 8, 2019

Locusts and Darkness Nearly every book in the Old Testament refers to the dramatic moment of the Exodus, especially the Psalms. Psalm 78, for example, looks back to “the day he [God] redeemed them [the people of Israel] from the oppressor, the day he displayed his signs in Egypt . . .He brought his people out like a flock; he led them like...

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  • Devotions October 8, 2019

The First Passover

October 10, 2019

The First Passover The Last Supper, celebrated by us today as communion or the Lord’s Table, was actually Jesus’ last Passover. This special meal commemorating freedom from slavery in Egypt has endured through the centuries as a celebration of God’s redemption. In the Last Supper, Jesus established a new symbolism—the bread for His body,...

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  • Devotions October 10, 2019

Firstborn Sons and Blood on Doorposts

October 9, 2019

Firstborn Sons and Blood on Doorposts When the Law was given on Mount Sinai, the Israelites learned to make various sacrifices for atonement and worship. The blood of animals symbolized a ceremonial or outward cleanness that became spiritually real thanks to Christ’s sacrifice of Himself on the cross for sin (see Heb. 9:11–22). But even before...

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  • Devotions October 9, 2019

The Ten Commandments

October 16, 2019

The Ten Commandments “A time will come in human history,” wrote Dallas Willard in The Divine Conspiracy, “when human beings will follow the Ten Commandments . . . as regularly as they fall to the ground when they step off a roof. They will then be more astonished that someone would lie or steal or covet than they now are when someone will...

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  • Devotions October 16, 2019

Sleep and Celebration

October 19, 2019

Sleep and Celebration Recent studies have revealed that the consequences of sleep deprivation are severe, including increased risk of infections, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, strokes, Alzheimer’s disease, and certain kinds of cancer, as well as irritability, mental distress, and depression. Children and youth are especially...

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  • Devotions October 19, 2019

Worshiping God

October 20, 2019

Worshiping God Why do we worship? In You Are What You Love: The Spiritual Power of Habit, James K. A. Smith explained: “In worship we don’t just come to show God our devotion and give him our praise; we are called to worship because in this encounter God (re)makes and molds us top-down. Worship is the arena in which God recalibrates our hearts,...

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  • Devotions October 20, 2019

A Sacred Space

October 22, 2019

A Sacred Space Many commentators see a connection between God’s instructions for the tabernacle and the Genesis creation narrative. Bryan D. Estelle explained in Echoes of Exodus: “Why is this important? Because it indicates that the creation at the beginning of time is a sacred space, just as the tabernacle and the temple were later recognized...

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  • Devotions October 22, 2019

The Altar of Incense

October 24, 2019

The Altar of Incense For many of us today, the word “worship” brings to mind praise music. Biblically, however, the concept is much larger. As Old Testament scholar Daniel I. Block expounded recently in Christianity Today: “Scripture clearly demonstrates that the measure of true and acceptable corporate worship is not established by outside...

  • Topic:
  • Devotions October 24, 2019


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