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Search Results

Results shown: All (5604) Devotions (1612) Spiritual Growth (408) Redemption (278)

The Worshiping Church: A Lifestyle of Worship

November 17, 2018

Worship is a lifestyle before it is an event, and God cares about our every thought, word, and deed. Write all or part of today’s passage on a card to place where you can see it during your daily life. Remember that when you’re driving to work or washing the dishes or walking the dog, your life can be an offering of worship.

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  • Devotions November 17, 2018

The Worshiping Church: A Singing Church

November 19, 2018

Diversity in musical taste is not the greatest problem for the church; rather, the problem is our tendency to regard those whose preferences differ from ours with contempt. Even if you don’t prefer some of the music in the church, try to listen to its message. Ask the Lord to help you learn and grow from the songs in corporate worship.

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  • Devotions November 19, 2018

Protecting the Church

November 21, 2018

The best way to protect the church is to protect its doctrine. What does your church believe? If you’ve never read your church’s doctrinal statement, ask for a copy. Pray today that your church’s leaders and members will all be vigilant in both understanding and promoting God’s truth and sound doctrine.

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  • Devotions November 21, 2018

The Church’s Message

November 22, 2018

Today’s church is being tested in this area when it comes to marriage. It should make little difference to the church whether same sex marriage is acceptable to the culture at large or legally recognized by the state. God is the one who sets the standard (Rom. 1:24–27). What is legal may not necessarily be right in God’s eyes.

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  • Devotions November 22, 2018

The Church and Tradition

November 23, 2018

Traditions themselves are not the problem in the church. The problem comes when we allow our traditions to overrule what God has commanded or we turn our traditions into litmus tests of worship or fellowship. Pray that you will not cling to traditions, habits, or preferences at the expense of obeying God or showing love and grace to others.

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  • Devotions November 23, 2018

Supporting the Church

November 29, 2018

Giving financially is a way to be part of God’s work through the church. Paul’s directives are still good: Plan ahead. Give in proportion to your income. Expect those who receive your funds to give an account of how it is being used. Review your budget this weekend to see whether you need to make changes in your giving to the Lord’s work.

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  • Devotions November 29, 2018

Practicing Our Righteousness

December 6, 2018

Jesus said to let our light shine before others (5:16) and warned against practicing our righteousness to be seen by others (6:1). We face two dangers: first, hiding our faith from others; second, flaunting our faith in order to gain their admiration. Which are you more tempted to do? How might you better follow Jesus by doing the right thing...

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  • Devotions December 6, 2018

Seeking the Kingdom

December 7, 2018

What situations or problems worry you? Reflecting on these, what steps can you take to resolve them in a way that advances the kingdom of God? What good things do you hope might come out of these situations or problems? Ask God to bring those good gifts, and pray that God would help you to seek His kingdom above all else.

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  • Devotions December 7, 2018

Bearing Our Diseases

December 8, 2018

Jesus not only came to save us but also to show us how we are to live. Paul implores us to “have the same mindset as Christ Jesus” (Phil 2:5). Think of those suffering from various afflictions, such as disease, malnutrition, or poverty. How might you follow the example of Jesus and help to take up their infirmities and bear their burdens?

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  • Devotions December 8, 2018

Facing Formidable Opponents

December 10, 2018

Reflect on Jesus’ statements that His disciples will be flogged, arrested, put on trial, and hated by everyone (vv. 16–22). What emotions or responses do these statements elicit? How might these keep you from witnessing about the kingdom of God? Pray that God would give you the strength to be the most effective messenger possible.

  • Topic:
  • Devotions December 10, 2018


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