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Search Results

Not Too Proud to Beg

September 4, 2019

Not Too Proud to Beg Navy Seals undergo a rigorous physical and mental trial appropriately named “Hell Week.” During, this week the new recruits are constantly in motion. They are required to run, swim, do sit-ups and push-ups, endure cold water, and accomplish difficult tasks, all on minimal sleep! Some are able to endure this experience...

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  • Devotions September 4, 2019

Lament as Grief

September 10, 2019

Lament as Grief In 2014, psychologists from the University of Virginia in Charlottesville conducted an experiment with undergraduate students. They put each student in a room with no distractions. Then they told them that, if they wanted to, they could push a button and shock themselves. The results were shocking! Sixty-seven percent of the...

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  • Devotions September 10, 2019

Invitation to Worship

September 11, 2019

Invitation to Worship In July 2017, Canada’s governor general found himself embroiled in a controversy. While descending a flight of steps alongside the Queen of England, he touched the Queen’s elbow to assist her. What was meant as an act of service was actually seen as a breach of protocol, commented on by newspapers all over the world.

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  • Devotions September 11, 2019

Your Kingdom Come

September 12, 2019

Your Kingdom Come Children have an innate sense of fairness. If you give a piece of cake to each of two siblings, they will carefully examine each slice to ensure that they did not get the smaller one. Or, if one child gets a consequence for misbehavior, they will make sure their brother or sister gets the same treatment. In Psalm 17, David...

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  • Devotions September 12, 2019

Speaking of His Wonder

September 14, 2019

Speaking of His Wonder According to the National Solar Observatory, the core temperature of the sun is 27 million degrees Fahrenheit. Every second of every day, the sun releases five million tons of pure energy. Consider that the sun is one of trillions of stars in the sky, which were created when God spoke, “Let there be lights in the vault...

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  • Devotions September 14, 2019

God Hears My Cry

September 15, 2019

God Hears My Cry As Jesus was on His way to Jerusalem, He encountered ten lepers who begged Him for healing. Jesus answered their request, and in accordance with Mosaic Law, instructed the men to show themselves to the priest who would declare them clean. Even so, only one man returned to give praise to God and thank Jesus for His healing...

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  • Devotions September 15, 2019

The Good Shepherd

September 17, 2019

The Good Shepherd According to Time magazine, the most popular song in the world is the Disney anthem, “It’s a Small World.” It was written by the Sherman Brothers whom Walt Disney told, “I need one song that can be easily translated into many languages and be played as a round.” But if you were asked to name the most popular Psalm in the...

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  • Devotions September 17, 2019

The Owner of All

September 18, 2019

The Owner of All As I backed down a driveway one night, I was startled by a loud crash. I had accidentally gone off the driveway and backed the car into a large potted plant leaving a scratch on the rear bumper. If the car had been my own, it would not have been a big deal. However, this particular car was not my own, but a rental. I would...

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  • Devotions September 18, 2019

In God We Trust

September 19, 2019

In God We Trust The Global Positioning System (GPS) is an indispensable part of modern life. It is part of our phones, cars, airplanes, and even agricultural harvesting equipment. This technology was originally developed by the U.S. Department of Defense to assist the military. But today, the thirty-two active GPS satellites impact most people...

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  • Devotions September 19, 2019

The One Thing

September 20, 2019

The One Thing According to a recent study by Smart Growth America, pedestrian fatalities are at a 30-year high. The main reason for this increase is distracted driving. Most people believe they are pretty good at multitasking. We think we can text, talk on the phone, and drive at the same time. This delusion has made it much more dangerous...

  • Topic:
  • Devotions September 20, 2019


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