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Search Results

The Lord Was with Joseph: Part 2

August 6, 2018

During the 1996 Olympic Games in Atlanta, security guard Richard Jewell noticed a suspicious backpack left in an open square. He alerted the authorities and began clearing the area. The backpack turned out to contain a bomb. But rather than being hailed as a hero, Jewell was suspected of planting the bomb.

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  • Devotions August 6, 2018

Joseph in Prison: Part 1

August 7, 2018

Since its inception in 1902, Popular Mechanics magazine has published speculation and predictions about the world of the future, but some confident declarations have missed the mark—the 1929 prediction that people of the future would wear asbestos clothing and the 1951 assertion that people would fly personal helicopters in place of cars haven’t...

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  • Devotions August 7, 2018

Pharaoh and His Dream: Part 1

August 9, 2018

In his biography of Douglas MacArthur, William Manchester describes him in this way: “His belief in . . . God was genuine, yet he seemed to worship only at the altar of himself. He never went to church, but regarded himself as one of the world’s two great defenders of Christendom (the other was the pope).” Powerful leaders often succumb to...

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  • Devotions August 9, 2018

Joseph Exalted

August 12, 2018

In our passage, Joseph has also had a remarkable reversal of fortune. He woke up that morning in a prison. By the end of the day, he was proclaimed second in command in Egypt, the most powerful nation in the world.

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  • Devotions August 12, 2018

Judah Assumes Leadership

August 16, 2018

Can people change? The answer has been debated for generations by philosophers, psychologists, and poets. Some argue we are born as blank slates to be shaped by our circumstances. Others claim we come into this world with our personalities and proclivities already determined.

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  • Devotions August 16, 2018

Brothers United

August 21, 2018

oseph and his brothers all had scars from the betrayal that had torn apart their family several decades earlier. But finally reunification and reconciliation was possible. Joseph embraced his brothers, and “afterward his brothers talked with him” (v. 15). This is more than a throwaway observation. Recall that, years before, “they hated him...

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  • Devotions August 21, 2018

A Promise-Keeping God

August 22, 2018

In the 1950s, Bill Fair and Earl Isaac created an automated scoring system to rate how likely a person was to repay a debt, which became the credit-score system vital in the economy today. If someone makes a promise, how do we know they will fulfill it? The credit rating is important because humans can be unpredictable. The objective measurement...

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  • Devotions August 22, 2018

Crisis Management

August 25, 2018

From 1845 to 1849, Ireland experienced what became known as the Great Famine. A potato blight wiped out the crop most people depended on for both food and wages, absentee landlords allowed high rents to be collected for squalid living conditions, and high taxes made other available food such as bread too expensive. Some one million people...

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  • Devotions August 25, 2018

Question 2

July 1, 2018

In Revelation 3:20, Jesus says: “Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.” Is Jesus addressing unbelievers or Christians? Question 2 This verse is often used in evangelistic messages as an invitation from the Lord Jesus to lost people.

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  • Q & A July 1, 2018

Question 4

July 1, 2018

What does the Bible mean when it says, “You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God” (Ex. 20:7)? Question 4 The name of God is a summary statement of the totality of His person. God commands us not to treat His name in a way that is careless, thoughtless, or empty of purpose. We are not to lift up the Lord’s name in a way that empties...

  • Topic:
  • Q & A July 1, 2018


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