Historic Books

Historic BooksAll of the books in the Archives are cataloged and included in the Online Catalog. The Archives houses approximately 1,500 volumes, most pertaining to D.L. Moody, Moody Bible Institute and 19th Century revivalism.

The Moodyana Collection includes a comprehensive collection of books by and about D.L. Moody. It contains more than eighty full-length biographies and more than twenty-five full-length dissertations and theses that have been written about Moody. 

Different printings of each title are included, and there is also a comprehensive collection of Ira Sankey hymnals.

Location Info

Crowell Library Archives
Moody Bible Institute

820 N. LaSalle Blvd.
Chicago, IL 60610-3284
Sweeting Center
Lower Level

Open Weekdays
(by appointment)
P: (312) 329-4175
F: (312) 329-8959

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