Research Help

Scholar's Guide to Google Scholar

This guide will help you navigate and utilize Google Scholar for graduate research. It offers a step-by-step process for searching for resources, saving them for later, and creating citations using Google Scholar. Additionally, the guide covers using Google Books for graduate research.

Scholar's Guide to the Library

This guide will help you find your way around the Michigan Library website and resources. You will learn how to search with confidence for resources in the Library whether in book, journal article, or other form.

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Location Info

Mayhew Graduate Library
Moody Theological Seminary—Michigan
41550 E. Ann Arbor Trail
Plymouth, MI 48170
(734) 207-9581


Mon/Wed/Fri:  12 pm - 5 pm
Tues/Th:  12 pm - 8 pm
Sat - Sun:  CLOSED

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