Christian Education

The Christian education materials are arranged by ministries of the church, and are located on shelves on the west side of the lab and in filing cabinets. Materials for a particular category are arranged topically by call number or alphabetically by publisher. Some samples of historical materials are kept in the alcove to the left of the Christian education shelves.

Larger materials, which do not fit in the regular file drawers or on the shelves, are placed in the oversize file cabinet located next to the Accu-Cut® cutting system.  One of the oversize drawers contains materials for teaching about missions.

Adult Ministry (AM)

The Adult Ministry section contains Bible studies, small group resources, training materials and curriculum. The books on the shelves are arranged topically by call number. Samples of Bible study materials are located in file boxes and arranged alphabetically by publisher.

Camping Ministry (CA)

These materials are filed in drawers across from the Christian Education shelves. They are in folders arranged in alphabetical order by publisher and are listed in the online catalog. At the end of the last drawer, is a file containing brochures from various camps.

Camping Ministry is a church-sponsored or organization-sponsored program of group-living in an outdoor setting designed to win individuals to Christ and to help them grow in Christ. The distinct purpose of a camping ministry is to provide a balanced program of Christian Education in God's great outdoors.

Camps can be valuable for a variety of reasons, including that they provide a 24-hour-a-day experience, an opportunity to appreciate God's creation and a unique and natural setting for an informal atmosphere. They give opportunity for observation, discussion and follow-up of individuals and encourage various types of decisions on the part of campers.

Children's Ministry (CM)

This category contains materials for use in working with children. It includes curriculum, teaching resources, reproducible activity sheets, games, crafts, skits, bulletin board ideas, object talks, puppet plays and children's sermons. There are resources for ministries such as children's church, Bible clubs, VBS and Sunday school.

Christian School (CS) and Home School (HS)

Located in the Christian Education file drawers, this collection includes sample curriculum, catalogs, informational materials, and school brochures produced by various Christian School and Home School organizations and publishers. Books about Christian and home schooling are located in the Teaching Resources section of the Curriculum Lab.

Family Life (FL)

Study books on dating, premarital and marriage enrichment, parenting principles, family devotions, discipline, communication, child development, moral training, money management, celebrations, families with special needs and other aspects of family life are filed in boxes arranged in alphabetical order by publisher (Concordia, Gospel Light, InterVarsity Press, Moody, Navigators, Scripture Press, etc.) on the Christian Education shelves.

Shelved next to the boxes are additional handbooks and resource books on family life and activities. All items are listed in our online catalog.

Leadership and Teacher Training (LT)

Included in this category are leadership and teacher training materials by publishers such as Concordia, Gospel Light, Moody Press, Scripture Press and Standard. This section is located in the middle of the Christian education shelves. All items are listed in the online catalog.

Music Ministry (MM)

Located on the Christian Education shelves, this section of the lab includes songbooks, Choristers Guild sheet music, resources for teaching music to children, holiday music, choral arrangements for various age groups, ethnic music, sacred musicals, hand-bell music, games with music and guides for planning church music. 

Some items are filed in drawers across from the Christian Education shelves, including choir music, catalogs and clippings. A keyboard is available in the Media Lab for use with the music ministry materials. Visualized songs are in the oversize drawers. 

Videos and sound recordings may be found in the Media Library.

Preschool Education (PE)

These materials include preschool activities and Bible lessons for use in Sunday morning preschool classes, weekday preschools, and other ministries with this age group. In the boxes are books of program and craft ideas, lesson plans, games, finger plays, songs and stories. Publishers include Broadman & Holman, CCS, Moody Publishers and Shining Star Publications.

Recreational Leadership (RL)

In the filing cabinets across from the Christian Education shelves are materials covering various aspects of church recreation such as Bible activities, craft ideas, recreational leadership guides, sports, games and plays. These files are arranged alphabetically by publisher. Miscellaneous dramas and skits are filed under “Plays.” These materials are listed in our online catalog.

Special Education (SE)

This category contains materials about working with people who have special needs, activity books for children with disabilities, and curriculum guides for the handicapped. Other topics dealt with include exceptional children, learning disabilities, organizations for the handicapped, job training and recreation. These items are listed in our online catalog.

Sunday School (SS)

Sunday School materials for the current quarter are displayed on shelves at the entrance to the lab. When new materials are received, the previous quarter is filed under the publisher's name in the Sunday School cabinets, across from the Christian Education shelves. These materials are arranged by age groups and by season and are held for four years.

Tracts (TR)

In the Christian Education file drawers are sample tracts from about 50 organizations. Included in the collection are current tracts as well as older examples. These are also arranged alphabetically by publisher. Some materials are published in languages other than English. The tract files are listed in our online catalog.

Vacation Bible School (VBS)

These materials are filed in drawers across from the Christian Education shelves. They are arranged alphabetically by publisher. The Vacation Bible School kits located on top of the VBS cabinets are listed in the online catalog.

VBS is a weekday school, which is conducted during a vacation period and which provides a balanced program of Christian education through a concentrated study of the Bible and related activities. It is a school in that it is a place of learning. It can range in length from 5–10 days and may be held in the morning hours (e.g. 9–11 a.m.) in order to reach children or in the evening (e.g. 7–9 p.m.) in order to reach families. 

It may also be in the form of backyard clubs, which may be held for 1–1½ hours at any desired time of day, or an all-day school from approximately 9 a.m.–4 p.m. These schools in their various formats allow more time for teaching and related activities, provide constructive opportunities for pupil involvement, practical applications and decisions, as well as outreach ministry for the church.

Youth Ministry (YM)

This section contains youth Bible studies, leadership resources for youth workers, sermons, program ideas, skits and games. All items are listed in the online catalog.


Mon - Th:  7:30am - Midnight
Fridays:  7:30am - 11pm
Saturdays:  9am - Midnight
Sundays:  6pm - Midnight

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