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1. Can I check out materials in the Curriculum Lab and Juvenile Collection?
Yes, many items may be checked out! Curriculum Lab items with a yellow sticker next to the barcode may be checked out for a 3-day period. Juvenile books and pamphlets may be checked out for three weeks and Juvenile Media may be checked out for 7-day period.
2. How are materials arranged in the Curriculum Lab?
Reference, TESOL and elementary education materials are arranged on shelves in Dewey Decimal number order. Christian education materials are located in filing cabinets and on the shelves facing the elementary education materials. They are arranged alphabetically by category. Larger items are located in the oversize files, non-print media may be found on hanging racks, and manipulatives are located in the manipulatives closet.
3. Can I locate Curriculum Lab and Juvenile materials by searching the online catalog?
Yes, all items in these collections are listed in the Online Catalog. If you do an advanced search, you can restrict the location of the materials to the Curriculum Lab or Juvenile.
4. Where can I find education books in the main stacks?
028.5 |
Children and books |
268 |
Christian Education |
306.43 |
Education as a cultural institution |
370 |
Education |
808.89282 |
Children's literature |
5. What equipment is available for use in the Curriculum Lab?
Flannel boards, easels, chalk boards, magnetic board, chart stand, tape player, computer.
6. If I am doing research on the history of Christian Education curriculum, are there older materials that I can examine?
Yes, there is a collection of Historical Materials in the Curriculum Lab alcove.
7. Where can I find literature guides, sample lesson plans, brochures on various topics (e.g. energy, weather) and education articles?
These are located in the Education Articles file.
8. Where can I find books on church ministries in the main stacks?
259.1 |
Family ministry |
259.22 |
Children's ministry |
259.23 |
Youth ministry |
252.53 |
Children's sermons |
252.55 |
Youth sermons |
268 |
Christian Education |
796.5422 |
Christian Camping |
9. Are there ebooks available in the field of education?
Yes, there are a number of education titles available as e-books through the EBSCO e-Book Collection.
10. Who can I contact for help or for a tour of the curriculum lab?
Please email April Nelson at april.nelson@moody.edu for a tour or more information about Moody's curriculum resources.