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Juvenile Collection
Juvenile Literature
A collection of fiction and nonfiction children's and young adult books is located in the alcove to the left of the Curriculum Lab.
Juvenile Pamphlets
Smaller books are located in the Juvenile Pamphlet files at the end of the Juvenile Media cabinets. Titles in this collection include the Little Golden books series, the Arch books published by Concordia, and individual issues of children's magazines such as Cobblestone and Kids Discover.
Subjects include Bible stories, Christian life, language arts, science, math, history, art, and music.
Juvenile Media
Items such as puppets, games, puzzles, flannel graphs and pictures are available for a 7-day loan period. This collection is located in cabinets at the entrance to the Juvenile Collection.
The picture file includes Bible stories, educational picture sets, and a variety of pictures that may be used as writing prompts, for language learning, etc.
Many of the games and toys are also useful for ESL.
Education Magazines and Journals
A collection of over thirty titles (including such fields as Christian education, reading, teaching, science education, youth ministry, and children's magazines) is in a rack located between the Juvenile Literature collection and the Curriculum Lab. In addition, electronic journals in the field of education are available through the library's online databases.
Full-text articles in education are available through databases such as ERIC, Electronic Collections Online, Primary Search and Professional Development Collection.