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Reciprocal Borrowing Agreement
- Borrowers must be current faculty, staff, or student.
- Faculty and staff must show a valid Moody I.D.
- Students must show a valid Moody I.D. and a current course registration schedule.
- Up to 10 items may be borrowed concurrently.
- Videos, DVDs, and CDs may not be borrowed.
- Wheaton College/Graham Center
- Chicago Public Library
- Northern Baptist Theological Seminary
- DePaul University (Lincoln Park & downtown)
- Northwestern University
- University of Chicago
- Roosevelt University
- Harold Washington College
- United Library (Garrett/Seabury Seminaries)
- Loyola University
- Trinity International University
- McCormick Theological Seminary (JKM)
- University Of Illinois Chicago (UIC)
- Newberry Library
- North Park University
Access the Chicago Area Theological Library Association for a larger list of almost fifty Midwest seminaries and graduate schools of religion.
Illinois Library Computer Systems Organization
This gives access to online catalogs of 45 major Illinois academic libraries individually or collectively and allows the holdings of all the libraries to be simultaneously searched.
LINC Pac Catalog
An online searchable database of 2 million plus items owned by 105 academic, school, special, and public libraries in east central Illinois.
- Gonzaga University: Foley Center Library
- EWU and WSU: Spokane Academic Library
- Spokane Public Library
- Whitworth University: Harriet Cheney Cowles Memorial Library