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Library of Congress Guide
Library of Congress Classification Outline: http://www.loc.gov/catdir/cpso/lcco/
A: General Works
AC: Collections, Series, Collected works
AE: Encyclopedias
AG: Dictionaries and other general reference works (other than Encyclopedias)
AI: Indexes
AM: Museums
AN: Newspapers
AP: Periodicals
AS: Societies, Academies
AY: Yearbooks, Almanacs, Directories
AZ: General history of scholarship and learning
B: Philosophy (General)
BC: Logic
BD: Speculative philosophy
BD10-41 General philosophical works
BD95-131 Metaphysics
BD143-237 Epistemology. Theory of knowledge
BD240-260 Methodology
BD300-450 Ontology
BD493-701 Cosmology
BF: Psychology
BF167-176.5 Psychological test and testing
BF180-198.7 Experimental psychology
BF231-299 Sensation, Aesthesiology
BF309-499 Conciousness, Cognition
BF1001-1389 Parapsychology
BF 1404-2055 Occult sciences
BH: Aesthetics
BJ: Ethics
BL–BY: Religion, Theology
BL: Religions, Mythology, Rationalism, Hinduism
BL 660-2680 History and principles of religion
BL 689-980 European, Occidental
BL 1000-2370 Asian, Oriental
BL1100-1295 Hinduism
BL1300-1380 Jainism
BL1830-1883 Confucianism
BL1899-1942.85 Taoism
BL2390-1490 African
BL2500-2592 American
BL 2700-2790 Rationalism
BM: Judaism
BP: Islam, Bahai Faith
BQ: Buddhism
BR: Christianity
BS: Bible and exegesis
BT: Doctrinal theology
BV: Practical theology
BX: Christian Denominations
C: Auxiliary Sciences of History (General)
CB: History of Civilization (General and general special
CC: Archaeology
CD: Diplomatics, Archives, Seals
CE: Technical Chronology, Calendar
CJ: Numismatics (Coins, Tokes, Medals, Medallions)
CN: Inscriptions, Epigraphy
CR: Heraldry
CS: Genealogy
CT: Biography
CT 3200-9999 Biography by subject
CT3200-3830 Biography of women (collective)
CT3900 Biography of academics and scholars
CT 9960-9998 Biography of other miscellaneous groups
D: History (General) and History of Europe
D: General History
D111-203 Medieval history
D204-893 Modern History
DA: Great Britain
DA20-690 England
DA700-745 Wales
DA750-890 Scotland
DA900-995 Ireland
DAW: Central Europe
DB: History of Austria, Austro-Hungarian Empire
DC: France, Andorra, Monaco
DD: Germany
DE: Greco-Roman World
DF: Greece
DG: Italy - Malta
DH: Low countries, Benelux Countries (Belgium, Luxembourg)
DJ: Netherlands (Holland)
DJK: Eastern Europe (General)
DK: Russia, Soviet Union, Former Soviet Republics, Poland
DL: Northern Europe, Scandinavia
DP: Spain, Portugal
DQ: Switzerland
DR: Balkan Peninsula
DS: Asia
DU: Oceania (South Seas - Australia, New Zealand,
DX: Gypsies
E: American and the United States History (general)
F: United States (local) and America Outside of U.S. History
G: Geography, Anthropology, Recreation
G: General Geography, Atlases & Maps
GA: Mathematical geography, Cartography
GB: Physical Geography
GC: Oceanography
GE: Environmental Sciences
GF: Human Ecology, Anthropogeography
GN: Anthropology
GN49-298 Physical Antrhopology
GN301-674 Ethnology. Physical and Social Anthropology.
GN700-890 Prehistoric archaeology
GT: Manners and customs (general)
GV: Recreation, Leisure
GV201-555 Physical Education and training
GV 557-1198.995 Sports
GV1199-1570 Games and amusements
H: Social Sciences
HA: Statistics
HB: Economic theory, Demography
HC: Economic history and conditions
HD: Industries, Land use, Labor
HE: Transportation and communications
HF: Commerce (including tariff)
HG: Finance
HJ: Public Finance
HM: Sociology (General)
HN: Social history and conditions, Social problems,
Social reform
HQ: Family, Marriage, Women
HQ12-449 Sexual life
HQ503-1064 Family, Marriage, Home
HQ1101-2030.7 Women, Feminism
HS: Societies: secret, benevolent, etc.
HT: Communities, Classes, Races
HV: Social Pathology, Social and public welfare,
HX: Socialism, Communism, Anarchism
J: Political Science
J: General Legislative and Executive papers
JA: Political Science (general)
JC: Political theory
JF–JJ: Political insitutions and public administration -
JK: Polical institutions and public adminsitration -
United States
JL: Political institutions and public adminstration - America outside U.S.
JN: Political Institutions and public administration - Europe
JQ: Political institutions and public administration - Asia, Africa, Australia,
JS: Local government. Municipal government.
JV: Colonies and colonization. Emigration and immigration. International
JX: International Law (See also KZ for International Law)
JZ: International relations
JZ4835-5490 International organizations and associations
JZ5511.5-6299 Promotion of peace, Peaceful change
K: Law
K: General law. Comparative and uniform law.
KBM: Jewish law
KBP: Isamic law
KBR: History of canon law
KBU: Law of the Roman Catholic Church
KD-KDK: United Kingdom and Ireland
KDZ: America. North America
KE: Canada
KF: United States
KG: Latin America, Mexico and Central America, West
Indies, Caribbean area
KH: South America
KJ–KKZ: Europe
KL–KWX: Asia and Eurasia, Africa, Pacific area and
KZ: Law of nations
L: Education
L: General works
LA: History of Education
LB: Theory and practice of education
LB1705-2286 Education and training of teachers and administrators
LB2300-2430 Higher Education
LB2081-3095 School administration and organization
LC: Special aspects of education
LC8-59 Forms of education
LC65-245 Social aspects of education
LC251-951 Moral and religious education
LC980-1099.5 Types of education
LC1390-5160.3 Education of special classes of persons
LC3950-4806.5 Special education
LC5201-6660.4 Extended, Adult, and Continuing education
LD: Individual institutions - United States
LE: Individual institutions - America outside of U.S.
LF: Individual institutions - Europe
LG: Individual institutions - Asia, Africa, Oceania
LH: College and school magazines and papers
LJ: Student fraternities and societies, United States
LT: Textbooks
M: Music
M5–1490 Instrumental music
M1495–5000 Vocal music
ML: Literature of Music
MT: Musical instruction and study
N: Fine Arts
N: Visual Arts
NA: Architexture
NB Sculpture
NC: Drawing, Design, Illustration
ND: Painting
NE Print Media
NK: Decorative arts
NX: Arts in general
P: Language and Literature
P: Philology. Linguistics
PA: Greek and Latin language and literature
PA1–199 Classical Philology
PA201–1179 Greek philology and language
PA2001–2915 Latin philology and language
PA3000–3049 Classical literature
PA3050–4505 Greek literature
PA5000–5660 Byzantine and Modern Greek literature
PA6000–6971 Roman literature
PA8001–8595 Medieval and modern Latin literature
PB: Modern languages. Celtic languages
PB1–431 General Works
PB1001–3029 Celtic languages and literature
PC: Romantic languages
PC1001–1977 Italian
PC 2001–3761 French
PC4001–4977 Spanish
PC5001–5498 Portugese
PD: Germanic, Scandinavian laguages.
PD1–777 General works
PD1001–1350 Old Germanic dialects
PD1501–7159 Scandinavian languages
PE: English language
PF: West Germanic Languages
PF1–979 Dutch
PF1001–1184 Flemish
PF1401–1541 Friesian
PF3001–5999 German
PG: Slavic, Baltic, Albanian languages.
PG1–7948 Slavic
PG8001–9146 Baltic
PG9501–9665 Albanian
PH: Uralic, Basque languages
PH1–87 General
PH101–405 Finnish
PH2001–3445 Hungarian
PJ: Oriental languages and literatures
PK: Indo-Iranian languages and literatures
PL: Languages and literatures of Eastern Asia, Africa,
PL501–889 Japanese language and literature
PL901–998 Korean language and literature
PL1001–3208 Chinese language and literature
PL5001–7511 Languages of Oceania
PL8000–8844 African language and literature
PM: Hyperborean, Indian, and artificial languages
PN: Literature - General
PN441–1009.5 Literary History
PN1010–1525 Poetry
PN1600–3307 Drama
PN3311–3503 Prose
PN4001–4355 Oratory
PN4390–4500 Diaries, Letters, Essays
PN4699–5650 Journalism
PN6010–6790 Collections of General literature
PQ: French, Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese literature
PR: Engish literature
PS: American literature
PS1–3576 American literature
PS8001–8599 Canandian literature
PT: German literature
PT1–4897 German literature
PT 5001–5980 Dutch literature
PT6000–6467.36 Flemish literature
PT6500–6593.36 Afrikaans literature
PT7001–7099 Skandinavian literature
PZ: Fiction and juvenile literature
Q: Science (General)
QA: Mathematics
QB: Astronomy
QC: Physics
QD: Chemistry
QE: Geology
QH: Natural History - Biology
QH1–278.5 General Natural History
QH301–705.5 General Biology
QK: Botany
QL: Zoology
QM: Human anatomy
QP: Physiology
R: Medicine
RA: Public aspects of medicine
RB: Pathology
RC: Internal Medicine
RD: Surgery
RE: Ophthalmology
RF: Otorhinolaryngology (Ear, Nose, Throat)
RG: Gynecology and obstetrics
RJ: Pediatrics
RK: Dentistry
RL: Dermatology
RM: Therapeutics. Pharmacology
RS: Pharmacy and materia medica
RT: Nursing
RV: Botanic, Thomsonian, and Eclectic Medicine
RX: Homeopathy
RZ: Other systems of medicine
S: Agriculture
SB: Plant culture
SD: Forestry
SF: Animal culture
SH: Aquaculture. Fisheries, Angling
SK: Hunting sports
T: Technology
TA: General engineering
TC: Hydraulic and ocean engineering.
TC1–978 Hydraulic engineering
TC1501–1800 Ocean engineering
TD: Environmental technology, Sanitary engineering
TE: Highway engineering (roads and pavements)
TF: Railroad engineering and operation
TG: Bridge engineering
TH: Building construction
TJ: Mechanical engineering and machinery
TK: Electrical engineering, Electronics, Nuclear
TL: Motor vehicles, Aeronautics, Astronautics
TN: Mining engineering, Metallurgy
TP: Chemical technology
TR: Photography
TS: Manufactures
TT: Handicrafts and Arts & Crafts
TX: Home economics
U: Military Science
UA: Organization, distribution, military situation
UB: Military administration
UC: Maintenance and transportation
UD: Infantry
UE: Cavalry, Armor
UF: Artillery
UG: Military engineering
UH: Other military services
V: Naval Science
VA: Navies: Organization, distribution, naval situation
VB: Naval administration
VC: Naval maintenance
VD: Naval seaman
VE: Marines
VF: Naval ordinance
VG: Other naval services
VK: Navigation, Merchant marine
VM: Naval architecture and engineering, Shipbuilding
Z: Bibliography, Library Science, Information Resources
Z: Books (general) writing, Book industries, Libraries, and Bibliography
Z4–115.5 Books, writing, paleography
Z116–659 Book industries and trade
Z662–1000.5 Libraries
Z1001–8999 Bibliography
ZA: Information resources (General)
Location InfoMayhew Graduate Library HoursMon/Wed/Fri: 12 pm - 5 pm